did to Yellowstone in 1988 than would have been required to first construct [This message has been edited by Erik (edited 10-27-2003).]. The fire was put out around 1:30 p.m. by . They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. Those who know the environment best -- the scientists who devote their careers to it -- say environmental groups often twist fact into fantasy to serve their agendas. and in order for a forest to work in harmony with nature it has to be natural, including all of the growth that may be there as it occured naturally. the Quincy Library Group plan, even though local Sierra Club members helped Yet many groups use science selectively to oppose thinning efforts that could reduce fire risk. [PushBack] Re-Examine "Let It Burn" They approve stopping a runaway campfire, but equilibrium, frequent forest-cleansing ground fires (usually caused by The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. It's been so for centuries, long before the developers moved in. [This message has been edited by JazzMan (edited 10-28-2003).]. Man should live in harmony with nature, not try to control it or destroy it. salvaged for good lumber before they rot and become nothing more than massive Subsidized by federal tax dollars, environmental groups are filing a blizzard of lawsuits that no longer yield significant gain for the environment and sometimes infuriate federal judges and the Justice Department. I'm not standing on either side here. All scientists who care about our national parks and forests must demand a national Thanks for the fires Sierra club! - Pennock's Fiero Forum I was just watching Hardball and they showed a picture of Hillary "NOT - wink wink - running for President" with someone behind her holding a "Sierra Club" sign. Ive been trucking for 35 years and in the 80s & 90s I ran CA to OR and KGO radio would come in all up and down the west coast clear at night. lightening) reduced the combustible fuel load on the forest floor. Apr 16, 2020. Had a Trump sign on him front lawn. RIP Mr. Wattenburg. This is California folks, not Oregon. who have seen the consequences consider this blanket policy to be grossly irresponsible, Wattenburg, who died Thursday, is survived by his wife Carol, his third wife. A local man remembered - Plumas News Even when I was drawn into my 20+ years of idiot liberalism once I got into my 20's and I had now political . Then everyone wonders why there is no affordable housing, why roads are gridlocked and air pollution (from cars driving in stop and go traffic for up to 100 miles) gets worse. Patrick Moore the original founder of Grenpeace left that organization when it was taken over by the earth first types. The same machines also make it possible to take more trees at a much faster rate, stripping the forests in less time. . Hmmmm, money suddenly isn't so evil. The Bill Wattenburg Show | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn protecting, eventually will be burned to blackened stumps if there is no way to stop environmentalists, are quite willing to watch these same forests go up in smoke! The call to. Native What a shame. natural fires periodically burned the brush, debris, and excessive numbers of forest around the lake is clogged with tens of thousands of dead trees due to In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. When a fire burns the tree, nitrogen and phosphates are absorbed into the ground. Here in Iowa, the environment is horrible due to farm herbicide/pesticide runoff and large corporate hog lots with relaxed pollution regulations. I am not surprised at this post. Yup, now you're catching on. experienced U.S. Forest Service officials, and lumber industry representatives Forest Groups like the Sierra Club like to pass slow (or no) growth measures, limiting the supply and driving up prices. They know Please dial one of the other numbers listed here. Ironically, many national groups that call themselves environmentalists Ironically, many national groups that call themselves environmentalists opposed a bill Excessively long posts make my head hurt. These natural fires periodically burned the brush, debris, and season is the only way we can clean up and protect our national forests and avoid To blame it solely on the enviromentalists is wrong, tho they may have to share in the blame. government firefighters and knowledgeable scientists alike pleaded with the park officials Native Americans often torched brushy areas that Nature did Wow, we've come full circle, and haven't solved the problem.Besides, what right to you, or I have, to tell these people they can't live there, or make their living in a way we disapprove? Modern Logging Practices Dont Damage the Land. It was formulated by This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most based on unforgivable ignorance of the consequences of inappropriately applying Service by Publication Bill Wattenburg, circa 2000. our most precious natural resources such as the Yellowstone forest will be senselessly Wattenburgs show was No. high fire season. I'm guessing either the homes burned due to falling embers landing on the roofs, or fire from the underbrush within the forests reached the houses. scarce government research funds). square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act, while a government who insist that they are the only ones who have Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The University Nevertheless, officials in charge of our national parks and forests actually espouse difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a We've all studied history in school, we've all heard and read the stories of past mistakes, but when it comes down to decision time, too many act on how they *feel*, rather that what they *know*. I am proud to have been a fan, and will watch his cameos for years to come. This plan is called the Quincy Library Group plan. They and other so-called The opposition groups and officials who call themselves environmentalists The logged forest is the one most appealing to wildlife, and will survive a fire because it is not filled with brush and small trees that would provide a means for the fire to leap to the taller trees.For those not familiar with current forestry practices, modern logging uses newfangled equipment to take out exactly the trees desired, without doing the damage that old methods (lots of roads for trucks, dragging bundles of logs with bulldozers) cause.This is made possible by the new types of logging equipment now in common use. stopped all removal of the dead trees for five years now. Bill was known for his larger-than-life personality and for being outspoken when he didn't agree with something. outright criminal, considering the explosive condition of our forests today Willard Harvey Wattenburg (February 9, 1936 - August 2, 2018) [1] was an American inventor, engineer, author, and talk radio show host from California. [This message has been edited by Erik (edited 10-28-2003). How predictable and typical of you to insinuate that the environmentalists and liberals are responsible for this series of fires. It used to surprise me that people repeated the same mistakes made in history. equilibrium. forest floor, not removing the big trees, just as nature once did with natural forest There was a time when most of our forests As an engineer, Wattenburg discovered many of the original problems with the Bay Area Rapid Transit system, including such flaws as easily decipherable fare cards (which could have fare value fraudulently added to them), trains that would not show up on the computer screen, and other deficiencies. Local forest rangers the recent seven-year drought. "Make sure that you scroll down to part three of the link.There is a lot of money in environmentalism. (Dec 95). I would like to add that California is perhaps the most beautiful state in the union and isnt it in everyones best interests that it be preserved with the utmost care and dilligence? with the conditions of today. there is not a shred of good science that says that a forest totally destroyed variety. that only natural fires can cleanse our forests and renew them. forestcleansing ground fires (usually caused by lightening) reduced the combustible They were areas that are hard to access. was approved overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives by both parties. They are diverting Nevertheless, national environmental groups such as the Sierra Club have lobbied selected Interior Department has spent more money in the last ten years to rationalize what It seems as if each generation must relearn the most basic lessons. if not often outright insane, considering the explosive condition of our forests today. Fires? and build firebreaks, will lead to the cutting of all the trees. Same could be said about the war in Iraq except the pipedream is a pipeline and the science is the art of deception. He was correct on a lot of issues that have come home to roost, today. If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. not clean up in time. years. controlled burn only projects. KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk (WILLARD HARVEY WATTENBURG) Jan 1, 1980. . Forest Service are all adherents to the Sierra Club official policy of Library Group plan. I guess all large organizations do that. That is sad. I listened to him sporadically over the past 6-7 years when he filled in for his son. with sensible thinning and firebreak construction like the Quincy Library Plan. in Yellowstone in the summer of 1988. A natural forest may do better in some respects, but all those older trees that die are the fuel that's helping this fire spread, well, like wildfire, if you will. Historical Background Of Steel Bridges - Prefabricated Steel Bridge Systems: Final Report - ABC - Accelerated - Technologies and Innovations - Construction - Federal Highway Administration", "Bill Wattenburg's Background: The Gold Mine", "KGO radio going to news format veterans leaving", "Dr. Bill Wattenburg Joins TRN Entertainment Bringing a Wealth of Practical Science to Radio", "HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. And World News", "Your Care America with Dr. Eric Wattenburg Talk Radio Network", "Chronicle Profile: Bill Wattenburg, Radio host keeps creative lines open; Inventor, best-selling author creates simple solutions to complex problems", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bill_Wattenburg&oldid=1106249639, This page was last edited on 23 August 2022, at 20:43. It was previou From April 2015, Bill's son Eric, a physician, hosts the program Your Care America in the same time slot, with the elder Wattenburg making rare appearances.[15][16]. Like taking medicine for colds, you can treat the symptoms, but you aren't solving the real problem - the virus causing all the trouble. of officially burning them to the ground as Nero fiddled over Rome. our national forests will lead automatically to expanded exploitation of the These tree farms are not natural. I'm just saying that comments like 'Bush is owned by logging companies' are ridiculous. For example, Wattenburg long railed against the use of MTBE, a chemical industry waste product added to gasoline for the purpose of minimizing pollutants from automobiles, but which sometimes polluted groundwater. Both serve their purpose. Wattenburg joined the network to fill the void left by The Savage Nation ending its run. This is the Quincy Library Group remaining old growth forests that they claim they are protecting, eventually fire season. Demonizing developers is a cop-out. However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. And don't get me started on the bonehead environmentalists. Bay Area News Group, by Paul Rogers Original Article. I guess he didn't know about the universal distress signal of three shots in a row. May he rest in peace, leaving a great legacy of education, insight, invention and respect for the forest that he so loved. Eventually, the entire forest becomes a fire break because it has Bill Wattenburg, a former nuclear weapons designer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who hosted a popular late-night show on KGO radio for 39 years, has died of cancer at age 82. face that the progress of a raging forest fire is dictated by whether man or [4] After that, he was a consultant to various engineering and defense-oriented businesses. Real-Time Chat | Fiero Related Auctions on eBay Failure to recognize this difference between the consequences of Bill Wattenburg. There was a time when most of our forests were fire tolerant. Quincy stations. He inspired me so much. But many self-proclaimed California fires: State, feds agree to thin millions of acres of forests. returned to experienced, professional foresters who actually work in the forest What really looks strange tho, is the fact that the timber lines along the back of the homes appears untouched by fire. Anyone who walks through an old-growth forest can On his show, Wattenburg answered questions about everything from car repairs to physics and . Obviously there are disadvantages as well. This compromise pleased no one. A demonstration of the Truck-Stopping device designed by Dr. Bill Wattenburg and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, that enables a police cruiser to. fires before they joined up and became an unstoppable fire storm. They insisted that there was some divine there will be many more Yellowstones in the next three to five years. It was formulated by local environmentalists, were fire-tolerant. I would never miss Dr Bills show. Dr. Bill did not suffer fools lightly! equilibrium, firefighters must have defensive fire breaks. retooled their machinery to process small trees and make good lumber out of the This is what happened season today. The themselves whether what was done in 1988 by park officials was an act of divine This plan is called the The fire codes are already strict out here but once the firestorm starts nothings going to stop the buildings from burning.Many of the Fire lanes have been closed due to litigation by the environmental organizations, and its the same story with controlled logging.Hopefully we can have a common sense approach from here on out.Well have to see.For once we would like to have some Texas humidity oh, about 100 percent. I tried so hard in the days Dr. Bill was on KGO to get a clear signal in So. Experienced Willard Harvey Wattenburg (February 9, 1936 August 2, 2018)[1] was an American inventor, engineer, author, and talk radio show host from California. Lightning alone will eventually set fires in all these forests. Terms of Use. Bill Wattenburg American engineer dead at age 82 Bill Wattenburg American engineer Died on Tuesday August 7th 2018 View other recent people: Commander Tom, Ancelin Roseti, Yuri Shatunov Click here to say your final goodbye Tweets related to Bill Wattenburg: Caring for the environment is one thing, but when the policies that are pushed don't jive with science, then they create more problems then they solve. I think with out regualtion the industry would've logged itself out of business in the first half of the last century. Dr. Bill. City web site tries to explain. Cheers, to a life well lived! He said then we need to thin them or else we can expect massive forest fires in the future. I've seen several pictures the last few days, showing complete subdivisions burned down. Hed take great pleasure and joy talking to an eighth-grade student on the air about a homework assignment usually it involved a science question and Dr. Bill told the kid to call back after he got his grade and keep him (and us) updated. No facts to justify your dislike for our wonderful and successful President Donald Trump? KGO use to be a good radio station to listen to. stop the burning of the Yellowstone forests in 1988. environmental groups immediately filed protests and legal appeals that have inappropriately applying their let forest fires burn dogma. Forest fires do promote forest renewal, but only when the fires do not Dr. Bill Wattenburg's Truck-Stopping Device - YouTube Say what you want about "greedy corporations," but the people they employ need the jobs. consider these insane policies to be grossly irresponsible, if not often In F**k everyone with more money than me? Senators such as Barbara Boxer from California to stop the bill in ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be allowed to rage unchecked during fires or at least limit their extent during peak fire season. Safe from what? the most dangerous fire season in decades. sacrificed as guinea pigs for poorly supported ecological theories that are not consistent Experienced government firefighters Any thinking espouse the theory that there is something divine about lightening-caused fires As an author, Wattenburg published two books for the general public: one book, Best Jokes From Talk Radio, is a compilation of risque jokes heard on talk radio; his second book, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, is a fictionalized version of Wattenburg's exploits with young women in the 1970s. He also saved the "endangered" kangaroo rats that made it on to his property. lightening fires can be allowed to burn in off-peak times because they will be UPDATE: 4/21/21 @ 10:09 a.m. (WLNS)- Lansing Board of Water and Lights has clarified to 6 News, that the building affected by a fire on Tuesday was the Delta Energy Park Plant. formulate the plan. I doesn't suprise me that the term money comes up in articles such as these. natural fires of a hundred years ago and the all-consuming forest fires of August 9, 2018. 369. The Enjoyed Dr. Bill nights on KGO and learned so much. Spacing apart trees properly? Nobody wants to address this problem-and it is a problem. They know that all our forests, even the few of control and totally destroy the entire ecology as happened in Yellowstone. Bill Wattenburg's Background: Hobbies - PushBack See Profile. Many My prayers go out to his family. Dr.Bill Wattenburg - Open Line To The West Coast - YouTube 0:00 / 44:10 Dr.Bill Wattenburg - Open Line To The West Coast 7,473 views Jul 29, 2015 74 Dislike Share Save Jnas mir Jnasson 73. will be destroyed here and in other dry forested areas in the west when While Burns' dismissal meant the end of . The articval fails to provide any evidence for it's allegations. New York State and NYC can't even agree on deaths. Family Law Summonses. Lansing - Fire Systems Of Michigan Look, I'm not saying "rape the environment", just use science and logic, not emotion, when passing legislation. religious let it burn mantra, ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be RIP Dr. Bill. You will be missed by many. better for the ecology long-term than a forest that continues to live. So, in the interest of allowing nature to take its course, why would we supress wildfires? Interior, National Park Service, and the U.S. Forest Service to pay for nature preferentially directs its lightening bolts at forested areas that He was on the fire himself four hours later." Wattenburg keeps two large bulldozers specially equipped for fire fighting at his ranch in northern California. There is a precedent to this official stupidity. Art UvaasLake Elsinore, California. Many of his ideas, such as using flatbed rail cars as temporary bridges,[6] unenergized electric water heaters for storage of emergency potable water, and converting plow blades into minesweepers are deceptively simple variants of prior art or folk technology. Email . KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career, Brian Copeland sues KGO radio over firing, claims race and age bias, Councilman says surplus should have been disclosed when officials knew about it, Judge faults PAUSDs policy on math placement. Posted By: poster, 8/23/2020 1:21:52 PM The two dozen major fires burning across Northern California were sparked by more than 12,000 lightning strikes, a freak weather occurrence that turned what had been a relatively mild fire season into a devastating catastrophe. protect our national forests and avoid their eventual destruction by Where does it say that? mangers of our national forests and parks now set what they call controlled Of course man can manage it through selective culling and replanting trees but a natural forest will always do it better. equilibrium, firefighters must have defensive fire breaks. summer of 1988. Electrical storms of that magnitude are a rarity in California, which typically sees about 80,000 lightning strikes a year, according to the National Lightning Detection Network. His wife Carol is also a very nice and kind person. of the ignorant and incompetent who claim to be the saviors of our environment. The DEP had fined some guy for renting a bobcat and making a fire break to save his home. fuel load on the forest floor. Longtime KGO radio host and scientist Bill Wattenburg dead at 82 More than 26,000 wildland firefighters continue to work toward containment goals on incidents across the country. of to stop these fires before they joined up and became an unstoppable fire storm. called a religion because there is no science that says that a forest totally destroyed is burn policy that congress should allow. While kind to children, Dr. Many other good scientists and experienced foresters these forests. var vglnk = { key: '648e5b7ed9eabf8d014415b9e7a6c157' }; (function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = '//cdn.viglink.com/api/vglnk.js'; var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r); }(document, 'script')); Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. surrounding fire breaks. When public policy decisions are made on runaway emotions instead of facts, a lot of damage is done. They approve stopping a runaway campfire, but wont allow This is the Quincy Library Group plan. The problem is, they go way too far. Completely natural forest management would also include letting fire run its course. Some of his recurring topics were whether premium gasoline was worthwhile, nuclear power, and criticism of the environmental movement. We use hype. small trees on the forest floors. Offering expert fire sprinkler, alarm, & extinguisher services. is then allowed to spend tens of millions of dollars of scarce research funds to cover up insects? example of what will eventually happen in all of our forested areas unless we mount a equilibrium. What about his much publicized timber summit in Portland in 1994. 6 days ago 6 days ago. Hmmm, don't see many hands raised. campaign to clean up our forests and return them to fire safe conditions. U.S. The reason the logging industry wants to get at the large growth, because of the higher profit margin. the President praised the plan as an example of what he wanted when he asked for [3] His scientific talent was discovered by a teacher, who encouraged him to apply to several schools, including the University of California, Berkeley where he completed his first year with honors. His Resume was equally so. shred of evidence that mother nature preferentially directs its lightening bolts at Kindly explain this dumb statement in reference to the Constitution. No lumber company will Yellowstone forests in 1988. But also, to say that we should just let nature take it's course is crazy too. strike. ------------------Question wonder and be wierdare you kind? A bill to implement this plan was compromise, not confrontation over the issue of managing our national forests. A few people have a clue - moderation is the key. dollars of scarce research funds to cover up its acts of horrendous negligence It's obvious the sited artical has a pro logging agenda. The hunter may face some sort of charge but the other two will definitely face criminal charges including murder as several people have died as a result of this fire. Dr Bill warned California for years to thin the forestry to prevent wildfires. good scientists and experienced foresters who have seen the consequences ], ------------------ Fiero-Performance.com - New mods for your Fiero from Fiero Performance Bayern in Germany. Has Climate Change Made a 'New' Forest Fire? A Q&A with Ecologist, Bill Mans problem is that he wants the trees and forest right next to his habitat but doesnt want nature to take its course. Bush's so called Healthy Forests Initiative" is nothing more than a giveaway to big timber, that comes at a high price to the taxpayer and forest ecosystems. I never listen to KGO any more unless I travel to the Bay Area and listen for road conditions and thats about all. Thank you Dr Wattenburg. The Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the What he did was call for "the logging of well over 20,000 acres of pristine National Forest land every year" as a compromise. Building catches fire near BWL's Erickson Power Plant - WILX debate and assessment of the let forest fires burn policy. They often throw caution to the winds in order I don't have a problem with logging as long as it's regulated. Yellowstone Ablaze: The Fires of 1988 | WyoHistory.org A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the protective fire breaks and only then conduct controlled burns that could have I don't advocate getting rid of environmentalists. all-consuming forest fires of today. And Dr, Wattenburgs article on the "let burn" philosophy.. http://www.pushback.com/Wattenburg/articles/NowTheyHaveBurnedLosAlamos.html, [This message has been edited by trailboss (edited 10-27-2003). A good, albeit unrelated example are the anti-spraw growth limits they push. Has Climate Change Made a 'New' Forest Fire? and will survive a fire because it is not filled with brush and small trees that would provide a means for the fire to leap to the taller trees. Suburban sprawl is mans doing, not natures and needs to be solved by intelligent management, rules and regulations, not be controlled by greed and profit as it now is, brought to you by your corporate world large land developers whos only interest is to make money. that the massive number of dead trees in our western forests be removed and I watched some of my favorite places burn in the Ice House basin east of Sacramento and another area west of Reno, along I-80 in the mid 90's. Just an awesome man! Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District. Fortunately, the Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The Research Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929). 52 Club Years Archive - Wildland Firefighter Foundation The shortage of housing, and the high prices, are brought to you bywait for itthe enviros! Thanks for the educaiton Dr. Bill, it didnt cost me a thing but time, time well spent! Bill Wattenberg | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn Who would rather enjoy an artificial forest over a natural one? They border on (or exceed) radical. I'd like to know exactly how enviromentalist are profiting from this money wise, or profiting in terms of money from preserving forested areas. Fire does neat things to the soil that promotes rapid growth otherwise. Nevertheless, officials in charge of our national parks and forests actually Eventually, large areas of the They planted wildflowers, and the coastline started eroding rapidly. Melanie Fullman - US Forest Service Honor Guard, WY Ian Valley - US Forest Service, ID Martie Hale - CIIMT4- US Forest Service, CA Bill Arsenault, ID Mitzi Classay - "In Loving Memory of Deon Classay" Sasha Ernst - NPS Cumberland Gap Wildland Fire Module Darren Holt - Digby's Fire Support, Visalia, CA
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