References are balanced--not exclusively conservative or liberal--and include non-partisan resources.This text appears to be carefully edited and reviewed. The textbook covers all the essential parts of American government. I did not see any clear grammatical errors in my review. The organization of the text is fairly traditional, with the decision to include the topic of bureaucracy under the Outputs of Government as one less conventional approach. The text follows a chapter layout that is common among American politics texts, beginning with the Constitution and ending with policy. has on the daily lives of each and every American, motivating students to become active participants in all aspects of our political system, and helping overcome the United States Government Our Democracy | Bookshare Aristotelian "rule of the many" (direct or participatory democracy) a) Fourth-century B.C. And the text generally attempts to present its material in a balanced and unbiased way, presenting several perspectives on controversial issues. But as with any American government textbook, this information will need to be periodically updated. PDF DEMOCRACY: ITS PRINCIPLES AND ACHIEVEMENT - Inter-Parliamentary Union To report a technical problem with this Web site, please contact the Web Producer.Web . Students at all levels will have no difficulty with the language used therein. In fact, Kurtz et al. I wish the footnotes included links back to main text. The text moves cleanly through concepts and important sections of each chapter. In recent years rather than being an efficient mechanism for collective decision-making and progress, democracy seems to be fueling discord, division, and distrust of the other side. Using a free text ensures that all students will HAVE the book, which has been a problem for me in recent years with 'standard' texts. Chapter 8 on the Media is the best chapter I've seen on that subject. And a printed version is also available for those who prefer it (including me!) Uses contemporary examples, but not in depth cases that may be needed in higher level courses. The hyperlinks are effective for those who want to review the source and to learn more. Thus, instructors who want to cover highly salient domestic policy issues like healthcare or immigration may need to assign supplements. This textbook is very comprehensive. Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s) Expansion and Reform (1801-1861) Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877) The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900) The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930) The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945) For instance, I find the unit groupings to be effective and have always taught special interest groups before Congress. Examples used are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and gender. Reviewed by Alexander Cohen, Assistant Professor, Augustana College on 6/19/18, By the standards of Introduction to American Politics textbooks, this is a comprehensive offering. It does not explain some additional reasons why the two-party system in the U.S. persists. Personally, I prefer to teach institutions before individual or collective action, and that looks like it would be easy enough to do with this textbook by simply assigning some of the later chapters first and then coming back to the ones in the middle of the book later. One important tenet of this system is democracy, in which the ultimate power rests with the people. In my classes using the book, I have done quite a bit of rearranging. Thought/theory/philosophy explained while discussing history of government. The discussion of the Civil Liberties issues in Chapter 4 were particularly well chosen, to the point, and engaging. Again, the sections of the book include origins of the republic (in this case called "Students and the System"), individual action, collective action, formal institutions and government output. 1st - 10th Amendments: The Bill of Rights, 1791. United States Government. Overall it is a bit smaller in word count than a traditional hard copy textbook and some of the chapters are smaller than I would like. Pricing for school accounts will display in the cart once you are logged in. It is certainly a viable option for my course. 36 Question #70. Reviewed by Charles Young, Associate Professor, Umpqua Community College on 1/3/20, The text covers exactly what an introduction to political science/government textbook should cover. This is disappointing but not fatal as I can update in class using the overhead. The text does not contain any grammatical errors. PDF EBOOK United States Government Democracy In Action. Use it to preview online test questions or print for paper and pencil tests. The use of the Electoral College and same-sex marriage across chapters are examples that I found useful in this regard. this revised book on our United States Government. Of course, whenever there are big changes on the Supreme Court or in the American governmental structure updates would need to be made. Question #55 61. In my view, chapters four and five are stellar and provide alternative voices to the narrative. I do find, however, the text to be more densely worded than preferable. The book leans more towards describing American government than explaining it, which may be fine for many instructors, especially for an introductory course. Multiple perspectives on issues and areas of controversy are acknowledged.Enduring themes and tensions between ideas and realities are presented in a way that It's nice to have them in one place, and not all other textbooks do that. I repeat that the textbook content is well written. United States makes some of the nation's most important decisions. For over eight decades, The United States Government Manual has been the "official handbook" of the Federal Government. The text also does a better job than most of discussing the importance of Voter Registration in Chapter 7 (Voting and Elections), including coverage of the Voting Rights Act and Shelby County v. Holder (2013). The word "democracy" comes from the Greek word "demos" which means "people." The word "democracy" is not used anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. The cited political science literature is excellent. More textbook info. The book is competently written and produced. In the preface, there is a chart of the makeup of the United States Supreme Court, listing the justices, and their ideology of conservative versus liberal. This is the easiest area for remarks for this review. The book is comprehensive in that it has everything I usually look for in an intro to American government text: - clear framing around basic theories of representation and collective action (probably less explicitly on the latter than something like the Kernell book, but on balance thats a good thing). Important terms are underlined throughout the text making it easier for students to see the terms they should know for testing. Thorough coverage of the main thematic areas generally addressed by introductory American Government textbooks. The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. The images and charts used in the book help clarify the concepts very well. United States Government - Holt McDougal 2011-02-10 The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America - Richard Rothstein 2017-05-02 New York Times Bestseller Notable Book of the Year Editors' Choice Selection One of Bill Gates' Whenever the next update does occur, I would strongly suggest change the order of the paragraphs so Part 4 comes after Part 1. The book seemed to use inclusive examples--for example, the racial breakdown of the federal judiciary. Nevertheless, this section is missing the Articles of Confederation. I will admit, however, I could not get the hyperlinks to work. This book is very comprehensive. Most importantly, the emergence of Donald Trump simply alters how the institution of the presidency communicates and respects (or doesn't respect) past institutional norms. The historical approaches in many chapters provide contextualization of concepts. Reviewed by Matthew Wright, Associate Professor, American University on 2/1/18, The book is comprehensive in that it has everything I usually look for in an intro to American government text: The textbook includes many illustrations, photographs, and examples that are recent enough for students to be able to relate to without much difficulty. Many varied examples and leaders are highlighted. Washington set precedents. Regarding 7.3 Direct Democracy, although I understand why it is where it is currently, I think that the concept needs to be covered earlier in the text (time of American founding perhaps or even in the first chapter if possible). The text is free of interface issues; charts and graphics are clear and are explained and analyzed. Those considering a new adaption for the introduction to American Government class would do well to give Kurtz et. The subchapters are very short, and while they sometimes deal with distinct topics, it would often be more efficient to discuss big ideas by combining them into a more cohesive and less chopped-up narrative. read more. Then again maybe that is just my bias because of what information was included and what was omitted. .nav-contain-highered{ For example, on page 205 of the text, the author writes "With the rise of the Internet and social media, however, traditional media have become less powerful agents of this kind of socialization." The sources cited, within the sections of each of the various chapters, are from reputable, recognizable experts in their fields of study. Inquiry Journal:This interactive print worktext is built around essential questions and permits students to develop their inquiry skills using analysis, primary sources, and evidence-based writing. Reviewed by Brian Jones, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17, The comprehensiveness of Krutz's American Government text is such that it more than adequately addresses the curricular requirements of the American government and politics courses offered by the Virginia Community College System. It provides an effective index as well as a glossary of key terms at the end of each chapter. There were a few places where the order within the chapter was slightly distracting (the media chapter comes to mind), but this was not a major issue. The textbook follows a traditional American government textbook format, starting with the Constitution and covering, Federalism, Civil Liberties and Rights, Interest Groups, Political Parties, and the three branches of government. There are areas where graphics examples could be updated; a few of the federalism chapter charts are using 2014 data. Reviewed by Carley Shinault, Assistant Professor, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania on 3/13/19, The text covers the full range of standard American Government textbooks, from government and civic engagement, to civil liberties and rights to branches of government and foreign policy. For their effort and expertise, I commend them and those who have supported this project. And finally, it contains both sections on individual rights and liberties as well as policy and bureaucracy. Teachers Edition:The print Teacher Wraparound Edition is built on the principles of Understanding by Design. The previous comment represents a slight stylistic concern in the area of organization, but not a major one. I have found that with any textbook, it is always necessary to supplement by lecture with current information that is not in the textbook. At present, this text meets that need but it may not completely in a couple of years. Offers many examples and insights to a wide variety of political views and cultures. I was quite impressed by the clear prose used in this text. Everything in this textbook looks accurate to me. Students can read individual sections or chapters online (in a way vaguely reminiscent of Wikipedia), they can download a free PDF of the entire book, or more traditional students can order a hard copy of the book from Amazon (at a price that's still less than half of what students might pay for a book from a commercial press). As for bias, the author(s) definitely stayed neutral in their descriptions of the events regarding the Trump presidency and their effect on American society. read more. I think the book could benefit from a more extensive glossary at the end of each chapter, rather than each section. I believe the language used in the text is entirely appropriate for an introductory college course on the subject. I found the insertion of bold links in the middle of the text rather distracting. I set up an assignment for my students to respond to a question based on the discussion in this section in an online class. I see no sign of bias or editorial spin from the authors. In each chapter, there are charts, diagrams, pictures from the news media that are appropriate, and informative that connect with the material in the chapter. In addition the appendix with major judicial cases will withstand the passing of time and it isn't difficult to add a couple of relevant cases per judicial year and then review the choices every four or five years. Reviewed by Jack Philips, Lecturer, University of Texas at Arlington on 11/12/20, This book contains everything I need for intro American government classes. Very well done. suggestions as to taking featured topics a step further. Overall the book is extremely well edited. This is a plus of this text. Ideas are presented in a clear, logical fashion, and transitions between sections flow smoothly. Although the U.S. has been a strong proponent of democracy, it did not invent democracy. Almost all said that the United States . United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Edition Hardcover full-color textbook divided into chapters and lessons, with table of contents, atlas, glossary, and index, 952 pages]. As mentioned earlier, chapters are structured in reasonable ways. text-decoration: underline; It is as accurate as any standard, mainstream textbook on American government. I believe the entire flow of the text and ease of read would increase by ditching this method of citation and simply using end notes or foot notes. PDF Course: United States Government, Course# 2106310 Title: United States I think the flow of the book is clear, with different headings and images to explain the material. Reviewed by Leslie Caughell, Assistant Professor, Virginia Wesleyan College on 2/8/17, This book is very comprehensive. I could go on, but you have some important ones. I reviewed the book for about 3 hours, and I could probably spend another 3 hours finding other "issues." For many such students, the clarity in organization will further help clear any obstacles in understanding the political system. Where is the concept of deterrence? This follows from previous comments. The book certainly has all of the topics expected of an Introduction to American Government text. This publication continues to be a popular introductory guide for American citizens and those of other countries who seek a greater understanding of our heritage of democracy. -- to shed light on a wide variety of phenomena and encourage students to think analytically. I like the fact that the authors attempt to present both sides in discussing problems and issues which contributes to an unbias pr My experience is that a significant number of my students will not read/fully comprehend a 30-40 page chapter at one pass. In fact, the whole world pretty much looks democratic and thats not true. The writing is clear and concise. I plan to regularly assign these items to use in discussion and written work. I agree that the content is relevant, and can be easily updated. I like to 'build' my curriculum from a variety of sources; this book could provide a foundation. The book was not culturally insensitive or offensive. This provides the Media with an opportunity to fill this vacuum. I found it easy to adapt it to the different needs of my course. This edition (2016) has been eclipsed by the huge changes under Trump, but that is also true of all 'standard' texts. The book is consistent with similar complementary materials. Terminology is placed bolded for easy identification. From the origins of the US political system, the constitutional framework, participatory inputs, formal institutions, and public policy, the major points are addressed. U.S. Government - Mr. Tredinnick's Class Site Not every one covers Civil Rights and Liberties or Foreign and Domestic Policy, but this text does offer a chapter on each of those. The text contains no grammatical errors that jumped out at me which is quite an accomplishment in such a voluminous text. Although it lacks some of the additional material that other traditional textbooks provide (i.e., more information on judicial decision-making or constitutional interpretation), the text accomplishes its goal--to provide a clear and accessible overview of the American political process. From the founding and Constitution to the major institutions of Congress, Courts, and the Presidency, these major areas are In my own courses, I am going to make up for this by assigning articles from CQ Researcher. I found the text to be eminently user friendly with no issues what so ever navigating within the chapters. Download Here pdfsdocuments2 com. But thats ok! read more. While it is rare for any textbook to be completely full of errors, there are a few more errors in this book than in my preferred American Government textbook and other leading textbooks on the topic. This text could very easily replace the book I have used Right from the get go I enjoyed the section on Civic Engagement as many textbooks do not cover civic engagement to the level it was covered in this text. Otherwise, jargon is well defined and explained with the body of the text itself in such a way that material is accessible to the intended audience. United States Government: Our Democracy 2018 - McGraw Hill However I do feel that stylistically the presentation of in-text citations is cumbersome and distracting. Political behavior for presidential and mid-term congressional elections should be analyzed independently. Reviewed by David Weiden, Associate Professor, Colorado State Board of Higher Education on 11/23/19, The book covers all of the basic components of American government. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 election, and key aspects of the first-term of the Biden administration are usefully addressed in the text. The book also does not always allow the reader to skip pages or go straight to a section to read. Even the most "controversial" chapters - civil rights and liberties, for example - are well-handled and I can't imagine a reasonable basis for students' balking at them. I think it does an excellent review of the issue of slavery and how it impacted US government. And I don't. This coverage emphasizes and links back to the section of the text on Civic Engagement. The US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite. The text appears to be free from grammatical errors. I really like that a section on state and local government is included. The authors and reviewers sought to strike a balance between confronting the negative and harmful elements of American government, history, and current events, while demonstrating progress in overcoming them. While there are a few points where the text could be more concise, overall the text is well written and accessible. Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, charts, and maps. United States Government: Our Democracy allows high school students to master an understanding of the structure, function, and powers of government at all levels. Complete List of Documents. Reviewed by Robert Asaadi, Instructor, Portland State University on 2/22/22, The work provides a comprehensive overview of both the formal and informal political institutions that one would expect to find in an introductory-level American Government text. The judiciary doesn't change that often and it rarely affects more than two members at a time. Product details Publisher : Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster; 1st edition (November 30, 2021) Language : English Hardcover : 576 pages ISBN-10 : 1982160276 ISBN-13 : 978-1982160272 Item Weight : 1.99 pounds Dimensions : 6 x 1.9 x 9 inches The text then moves through its substantive topics in a coherent manner with useful transitions between topics. Sometimes the beginning of the paragraphs are repetitive but this may favor comprehension of the content. I don't see how you could read text meant for an 8.5 by 11 inch page on a smart phone. I found the textbook culturally sensitive and in no way offensive. This . AP United States Government and Politics - AP Students - College Board For students looking to identify key terms, this bolding does feel mightily inconsistent. The textbook includes virtually all topics that are critical to foundational course(s) in U.S. Government. read more. The chapters are well organized and user friendly. I liked the Supreme Court and Electoral College Appendices, very nice additions beyond the usual set of founding documents. read more. The Links to Learning and Insider Perspective features in the text help to enrich the material without breaking the overall flow of discussion. Offers coverage of topics that most instructors would cover in such a class, including political behavior, civil rights/liberties, American The canonical terms of introductory American Government are present and defined adequately. A number of important factors are left out. However, clearly, the information in this textbook is presented, in a manner that allows for updating as changing occur with major political events, elections, Supreme Court decisions, demographical data, and public opinion. Then they are taught about the Founding of our country; moving on to the concepts of federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, and then to the institutions of our democracy. A good example of such are the Continuing Challenges sections. The new survey of the public's views of democracy and the political system by Pew Research Center was conducted online Jan. 29-Feb. 13 among 4,656 adults. United States Government: Democracy in Action emphasizes 14 key government concepts. This Electoral College voting method is referred to as the district system." Also, the hyperlinked notes provide a way for students who want to learn more about an issue. Only problem I saw: there are 2 versions of this book in OpenStax. While there's always room to incorporate more diversity, overall the book does a nice job. The text is highly relevant for students studying American government and politics today and will serve students well in subsequent years without seeming obsolete. As clearly noted, I found far more to like about the text than not. Exceptionally clear. The chapter organization was not revolutionary but logical and familiar. If anything, as I noted above, breaking chapters into even more sections or sub-dividing those sections would enhance the ability of the instructor to chunk material. The textbook is sensitive to a range of minority communities including African Americans, immigrants, the LBGQT community, gender and womens issues, and persons who practice the Muslim faith. The internal structure of individuals chapters is clear and logical. read more. This is another useful function to organize student assignments around. Sometimes it is used in plural sense, but most often used in the singular sense. It offers an excellent collection of concepts and ideas useful to political science students. The chapters relating to State & Local Government plus Domestic & Foreign Policy (14,16 & 17) are an added bonus although I will not assign these whole chapters in the Intro course due to time restrictions. American Government [] The book is actually slightly longer and denser than other texts I have assigned for an introductory course in American government. I did not identify any grammatical issues with the textbook content. Overall, the textbook is written in a traditional format. The pros and cons of government regulation of group activity (spending) are both presented accurately, and the student is asked to make their own determination. That is the conclusion of a new survey of 1,571 political scientists. These examples were not solely places in the civil right unit, but incorporated throughout the text; which is significant. Everything seems consistently written and well-integrated. Welcome to our textbook for the year. and J. D. and Lee Arbetman and Megan L. Hanson and M.S. That said, there are areas where the text is quite brief and doesn't provide terribly deep discussion. It does a good job of defining terms used in the text and citing relevant sources. Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the subject. The text is consistent in terms of language, organization, and overall framework. However, the day after Election Day, this chapter will need an overhaul. Because the textbook has less of an editorial voice, it is easier to move chapters around. It is both well researched and written. The text is not culturally offensive, but I would like to see more sections or paragraphs that flesh out diversity and politics. The text is arranged using logical progression and builds upon itself so that it effectively connects topics, theory, and application for the reader while at the same time being structured in such a way that modules are easily and readily divisible (see modularity comments).
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