In this case, I dont believe it was incompetence alone. Maybe its just pareidolia, but i think its a manmade object. The hanging object and other points of interest you highlighted reminded me of this. Could the structure built above be some sort of a net or trapping device? Auto Reset and Continuous. This is relevant because if the camera was on Auto Reset and 509 was deleted before 510 was taken, then the camera would use image 509 again. Cats are often seen as pests and scavengers which is unfortunately why many people use poison to kill local cats. Then again, my brain may be playing tricks from staring at it too long. The black twigs can be seen growing up, as all vegetation/trees do to harness the sun, but the ones above her are clearly bent in a horizontal and parallel formation. Might look harmless and untouched which is why she is standing so close but then she is either caught or trapped in a booby trap lol. However, visitors are still a crucial part of the local economy and the reason the. And if suspects were clicking photos, and knew how to operate a smartphone, they would not return the phones. Theres A red plastic bag above Kris in a tree to her left. Some suggest that they could they have seen something that they didnt want the rest of the world to see. For a time, manysuspected Froon and Kremers never got lost on the mountain, but wereinstead victims of a crime in town; this later proved false. I wrote about the upcoming book here: Also I see a black pipe if you look carefully near one of the red and black objects the one that was circled. I think that I read somewhere that something blue was found on one of the shoes. Did they each have a camera or only Lisanne? They were only 2 weeks into their trip and only on their 4th day in Boquete so they were innocents abroad and would have been broadcasting that to all who cared to look. Especially the one where Kris is holding a water bottle 30-40ft from the photo-taker. I dont buy it that those girls were murdered on the pianista trail. Hi Oliver, I do believe that theres enough evidence to conclude that some of the photos were graphically edited (photoshopped) but I dont think this photo was manipulated. I dont believe that anything ominous is happening to Kris in this specific photo. 1 reason tourists sometimes annoy residents. There may be some evidence on its fur like fingerprintsdnaplant/vegetation etc. Its a complex topic. It seems too strange to be an accident. Kris has been unconscious for days. Theres a red cord tied around her waist that wasnt on her in any of the other photos. I think this has been added to hide the fact that Kris was not wearing boots, as this was a shot of her from somewhere else and superimposed on the jungle scene. In Latin America, it is as common as drinking coffee. There is no traces of them anywhere. I would expect especially on the first day for total panic to occur and multiple attempts to be made until a decision was made to save battery strength. Realizing just how much trouble these two could have been in. During thistime,Kremers and Froon repeatedly called for help. She realizes she has to try to find the river and decides to leave at dawn. Thanks in advance! There seems to be no pictures of the dog. The main/central support bar (branch?) After days reviewing the evidence, Im now going to share a synopsis of what I believe happened there in the deep, dark cloud forest of Panama. He has collected much that is out there but still the majority is second hand and we have no information as to the voracity. More info here. We have 5 people ending up dead, and the skulls of the girls are never found. I just realized Blue, the guide dog who often walks hikers up the trail, whose return home without the girls alerted locals they were missing, IS NOT IN ANY OF L & K pictures. The ground is littered with leaves, twigs, and stones. I have a working theory of the predator (not a specific name). Trust me, I prefer to take the easiest explanation too. Lastly, I totally see animal pelts inside the structure. Read Matts article about the daytime photos (link) for more detailed information. In this one its clear that Kris has her hand up, closed eyes and stuck out tongue. It would be interesting to know exactly where this photo was taken Is it along the main trail north of the Mirador en route to the stream crossing? Sorry to send so many messages Chris, but as a policewoman I have never liked to give up on a case.. Hello Nobody knows what happened to Kris and Lisanne and everything is open to speculation until more information is found. I am very familiar with the Koude Kas posts. It belongs to the long green leaves we are seeing up there. I have seen some gruesome stuff where a captor will smash the feet of a captive to prevent escape. Hey Im not sure if someone already pointed it out but does everyone see the orange drawing on the bottom right? Thanks for some new information, excellent analysis of the photo! Links that require download are high-risk by their very nature, so please consider uploading your media to a website like or a similar alternative. Certainly this could have been due solely to incompetence alone, but they ignored performing relatively simple investigation tasks more than once. A lot of times countries dont want investigations to be publicized or they shut them down as best they can in order for their tourist trade to not be hurt!!!!! These were of seemingly random objects, like a stick with plastic sticking to it, as well as scenes of foliage, canyons, anda bridge. On April 1, the 21-year-old and 22-year-old went for a walk . Anyway thanks again this is such a fascinating case I wish there would be some kind of closure for the families (although I saw a you tube video that interviewed the father of one of the girls, he said that they hired their own investigator and determined they died of an accidental fall. I cant say what it is, but it looks similar to an object, that can be seen in some of the nighttime photos, like in this one here. Thanks for sharing this info. They provide a live accounting of missing-persons cases. Eventually theyll have to confront these issues or nobody will visit and expats/immigrants/investors will leave. What people are mistaking as blood from her nose and lip is again just a shadow cast from her nostril and lower lip due to the bright sun. Also, I live in El Salvador, less than 1,000 kilometers from Panama, which has many cultural similarities. The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story ^ From that point the trail leads over another dangerous cable bridge, and two more rickety plank swing-bridges, before reaching the Ngobe village of Alto Romero on the banks of the Culebra. You have to look hard. Of course, there are always exceptions. It was taken on the Continental Divide on April 1st, 2014 with the recorded time: 13:20:32. I read that the dog returned to town in the evening, alone, but I havent seen it in any pictures. I wouldnt give mine out to my best friend, not even to my wife. Government corruption is the core of the problem. ITS SHAPED LIKE A BRA. Does blue have something to do with this strange punishment ritual? "It is our intention -- almost exactly one month following this tragic accident -- to give proper thanks to all those who supported our families during this difficult time, as well as to have many outstanding questions answered by way of a swift and thorough investigation," the families said in a joint statement. Your email address will not be published. I would like to know their movements precisely from arriving in Boquete. Also we are in the realms of Hollywood if we need such a calm and calculating mind at work other than those of the girls to abduct and or kill them and then orchestrate a smokescreen. They lose their money and leave Panama with their lives. So if you look behind her bottom theres a patch of light which is the light at the other end of this tunnel and shes holding her right hand up to her face to sweep back a piece of hair. I do not think this case fits the criteria of missing 411. This case really creeps me out, specially the findings and the pictures. Had someone told them about something worth seeing? Another thing that crossed my mind is what if the backpack & items had been kept as like a trophy of the killings, & a local knew thats what it was aware of the incident & grabbed it & left it somewhere to be found to try & help shed light on the case the best way they could. Nonsense. If the culprit is not brought to book, the rest of the world says it is to protect the tourist industry. No sir, just ordinary incompetence. US Is Europe's No. Also last year, 22-year-old Florida man Craig Taylor was found strangled to death on a dirt road in Punta Sam, north of downtown Cancun. The simplest is for them to disappear. I dont really speculate much with psychic readings or energy. They are 99.999999% preventable. Looking carefully at her forehead you can see theres only the shade from a pole but her face is shaded. Latin America has tens of thousands of small communities, all of which operate slightly differently to some degree. Hi Jim, That particular photo was supposed to have been taken at 1.20 pm. However, I cannot say for certain because I do not know why the owner would fabricate this part of the story. He has some resources at his disposal. No Chris, I assure you, police investigations are routinely botched like this in the third world. I wondered if it was a mirror or piece of metal and her reflection. I think the most important photos were not the daytime ones; I think the most important photos were some of the legible nighttime ones. My husband is a mountain climber and when hes out, the mountain rescue flys multiple times a day because hikers overestimate their abilities in the german Alps, not anywhere in the jungle. However, amiscommunication led to them arriving in Boquete too early for their program, which Kremersnoted was "rude and not at all friendly" in a diary entry. They very quickly realized that they could not find the point where they entered the jungle and if they were in trouble, and that is when the 911 calls started. At first glance I just thought she was looking for something. . I think she is pointing, but at something else in another location. Why would the perpetrators concoct all of the photo/backpack evidence? There is an international consortium working behind the scenes to slowly and methodically continue the investigation. From the summit, they decided to go in a bit deeper, or just took the wrong exit path by mistake. The remains of both women were found soon after that. Think about it. This person was a local cleric. Over four days, 77 separate attempts had been made to call the cops - using the emergency numbers in both the Netherlands and in Panama. However, its still possible. The roof or cover is not substantial enough to keep out rain but it could work as camouflage from the air. If Kris were injured and they couldnt use the phone, then why didnt Lisanne go get help? There are flaws in the manipulations, such as the photo timeline, the inconsistent resolutions, the missing photo (or video), the red lines on the shirt, incorrect shadow positioning, etc. I suspect some are aware of these things but want to cover it up. They maintained a great deal of secrecy and privacy and never officially published any information. Sadly however, the Beaumont children are just three of around 2,000 long-term missing people in Australia. The following insight will make not make much sense to you if you dont know their story. I was definitely thinking it looks like her hands might be tied behind her back here. The backpack being found with all its contents including money and not even dirty let alone wet after weeks of constant rain-found a day after the area was checked. The oddest thing about this photo is the look on her face which looks very distorted. One was left above. However, if this photo showed that someone had hit her, why would the culprit not delete it along with photo 509. Wonder if it could be a piece of an aircraft wreckage. I suspect the food may have been left with them when they were abandoned by drug traffickers (who initially abducted them on April 1st) after Kris was hurt crossing the monkey bridge. Where they went and who they talked to in order to build up an idea about what motivated them to take that fateful walk and what information could have taken them down the other side of the divide. With all the misinformation thrown out there and poor follow up work (likely to protect tourism), any ones guess is possible. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (lost unreleased/uncompressed original Of course, nobody knows exactly why things happened. EERIE photos discovered on a camera belonging to two missing hikers revealed their mysterious final moments before both girls vanished in the jungle in Panama. Im sure that when they left on that short hike that their intention was to be back home before dark and to be back to the host home for supper on time. At dawn the rain stops and she sets out. I cover a lot of these things in my other comprehensive article regarding Kris Kremers Bones: There are simply too many variables involved to oversimplify the case with the conclusion that they got lost. And one of the images chillingly showed the back of Kris' head with what some sleuthes believe is blood leaking from her temple. You ask good questions. At 2:50 they start walking up to what I believe is the location in this photograph, Not a cave but an old bridge you can see the railing and bridge post and there is a weird shadow to the left behind the railing. Hopefully, this 2021 investigation can find the truth of exactly what happened. Likelihood the predator will strike again: 99.9% unless predator has died. My question is: Who has the ability to manipulate both the cameras internal storage database and the photos? Dyatlov Pass Tourists Go Missing While Visiting Area of - Newsweek Being in a foreign country, in the tropical rainforests, especially for young curious minds, is a very unique experience. She must therefore be in a house or building of some kind and therefore being kept prisoner at least for the 8 days before that photo was taken. If someone died, you would certainly write, Body can be found at xyz.. The same thing happened to the taxidriver who drove Kris and Lisanne to the forest. According to ageographicalexpert, the three-mile stretch is relatively easy to explore, and most missing tourists return without assistance or come across search parties looking for them.
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