We shall always pray for you. When she found her government too unresponsive to the issues she championed, she ran for political office, and won. Heaven just gained an angel. [Professor Maathai's] leadership and work serves to enlighten us all that alleviation of poverty, sustainable development, preservation of our environment, establishment of truly democratic institutions, and peaceful resolution of conflict are all integral parts of a safe and secure global future. The soldiers/warriors of this country would not have gone far like we have gone if the Profs shoulders were not there to stand on in their environmental soldier program (ESP). 4. [Name] soul has found rest Never forget, you have friends who love you. Dr. Isaac Maragia Assistant Commissioner of Kenya Revenue AuthorityMama Prof. W. Maathai was truly a daughter of Africa who inspired us. 5. That precedent may make this quote seem like a dangerous response to an election, but muttered in the safety of home, or on the Internet, its a concise yet generally applicable response to anything and everything that doesnt seem to be working out. on the Internet from March 7 to March 16, 1997, Archive of the Updates on President Jagan's Medical Crisis, Updates From Guyana Following the Death of President Jagan, Funeral procesion in front of Freedom House. It's an honour to remain your best friend until your last moments. Today you may be leaving this earth without me, but someday I will meet you there. The people of Berbice (the birthplace of Cheddi Jagan) reacted with shock as the news was announced early Thursday morning. Charlotte Beauvoisin Director of Uganda Conservation FoundationOur condolences to the late great Professor, her family and conservationists worldwide. Your father was an outstanding man, and it seems that he has left us too soon. 3. ", Director of COHA, Mr. Larry Birns, wrote: The death of Cheddi Jagan is not just a grievous personal loss to myself and my colleagues at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Please remember that you are not alone as you mourn the death of your sister. Your pain was the pain of this country, the battle for Africa. This portable projector plays your movies in crisp, high-contrast, 1080p detailno matter where you are. The work of the Green Belt Movement stands as a testament to the power of grassroots organizing, proof that one persons simple ideathat a community should come together to plant treescan make a difference, first in one village, then in one nation, and now across Africa. I am convinced that her work will not, and should not, be in vain. I am thinking of you in these difficult times. A mother is the most valued being on earth. Message: Heart felt condolences on the death of our leader. Dr. Willy Mutunga Chief Justice of KenyaAluta Continua Comrade Wangari Mpendwa, R.I.P. I learnt a lot from him. You know what? May her soul rest in peace! She worked tirelessly both as an elected Member of Parliament and an Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources. May you rest in peace and always feel our love and respect. Both known people and those unknown by many have families that feel the loss when they die. Its cold comfort to accept that an undesirable election result lies in the accursed alchemy between a largely uninformed, easily manipulated public and an unscrupulous, impenetrable political machine, but at least that absolves disappointed voters who feel guilty that they didnt do more to influence the outcome. Professor Maathais tireless efforts earned her not only a Nobel Peace Prize and numerous prestigious awards, but the respect of millions who were inspired by her commitment to conservation, democracy, womens empowerment, the eradication of poverty, and civic engagement. His message starts off by referring to Mr Nelson Mandela as the "great leader of the struggle for freedom and a hero to millions around the world." He goes on to say "that the late leader inspired the South African people with patriotism by courageously leading them to achieve independence with ethnic harmony". I am sending my deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Thinking of you as you celebrate the remarkable life your mother led. Deeply saddened and affected by this tragedy. UNEPs almost 40 year long history is also one of a shared journey in which Wangari was always with us and ahead of us showing the way. Her conviction and her fight has begun. Sample Condolence & Sympathy Letter. You gave the likes of me, Nancy Baraza , a divorcee, a voice. As the first environmentalist and first African woman to earn the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari served as a true inspiration to us all. My sincere condolences. He will be missed for his goodness in life. I salute the memory of an exceptional woman, known for her strength and her noble engagements which are far reaching. Sorry to hear about the loss. On behalf of all Americans, Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to Professor Maathais family and the people of Kenya at this difficult time. Messages poured into Guyana from around the world, from friends and acquaintances of Cheddi Jagan. He was able, thus, to inspire and lead masses into struggle. Nancy Baraza Deputy Chief JusticeFare thee well. Hon. We will all miss her. ", Prime Minister of Guyana, Sam Hinds, who was later to be sworn in as President, in an address to the nation said: "that extraordinary light that shone in the world for nearly 79 years has been extinguished. Our company has lost a hero. His passing leaves a void which will not easily be filled. Our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy. I express my greatest condolences at the news of his sudden death. She will be remembered as the very friendly and humble person she was, for her intellectual strength and for her strong and genuine conviction and ability to engage people. He had another dream, that came true, to bring unity to the land, Messages of condolences from world leaders, also began to pour into Guyana, immediately following his death. My most sincere condolences. ", The Cuban Federation of Women wrote: "the Cuban people and particularly the women will always remember Cheddi Jagan as an untireable struggler for social justice and independence..". Her legacy will always remain with us. Your mother was the best matron we ever had. If your candidate goes down in flames, though, this quote is useful for pointing out that the other guys victory implies something unsavory about him all on its own. My heartfelt condolences. However, some comments will bring joy, whereas others will not. Not only was she the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004, but also the first to receive the prize for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. I commit myself to continue the struggle so that our forests are protected against logging and the shamba system. We have lost a true hero. We cherish and treasure the memories we made while working with your father. Condolence message on death of a president is written differently compared to condolence message of a friend. A president gets diplomatic condolence messages from government quarters, private agencies, and citizens impacted by the presidency. Kenya will remember you forever! Praying for the deceased soul. You fought for me, for my children, for the mothers and children of the future. ISTANBUL/ANKARA, Feb 23 (Reuters) - The head of Turkey's main opposition party on Thursday sent a condolence letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose country was also devastated by the. Her passion and commitment have moved countless people to take action to improve their communities. I don't remember when was the last time I cried this much. Truly sorry for your loss. Your father's passing has left an immense void he indeed was an outstanding man. I express my sincere sympathy to the family. My most heartfelt condolences! I had a great admiration for her unwavering engagement for social justice and the protection of the environment. We all loved him at the company. I know you are hurting. Our chairman was a fantastic person to have around. RIP. That was why he exhorted us from his hospital bed, "Dont worry, everything will be alright.", Moses Nagamootoo wrote: "That extraordinary light that shone in this country for almost 79 years has been extinguished; that life of epic proportions that graced this land has been eclipsed by sudden illness and death, but his legacy lives on. People pay more attention when writing condolence messages for loss of a great leader because the messages get viewed by the masses. This portable projector plays your movies in crisp, high-contrast, 1080p detailno matter where you are. And all we say now is that in remembrance of the Prof, we shall soldier on in pursuit of what she stood for. We loved your father. Thank you!! She was an inspiration to so many of us, far beyond the African continent. May your aunt rest in peace. Wangari was a true visionary whose work and life served as a powerful example to women everywhere. You have left some beautiful memories that will never fade from my heart. Thats democracy for you. Mr. You will never die. Our condolences! Political leaders condole Cong veteran Ahmed Patel's demise Your fight for the protection of our forests will be left to us to soldier on. India lost a great soul & the finest politician. Please be patient while opening PDF documents, some may take longer than others depending on their size. Jagan. Along the way, they pick up George Hanson (Jack Nicholson), a friendly, liberal lawyer whos the black sheep of his good Southern family. Hes the movies voice of reason, and soon after, the rednecks come upon him as he sleeps, and beat him to death. ", Read all the messages sent into "The Dr. Cheddi Jagan Condolence Book" We are always there to support you; take care. May [Name] memories comfort you. For the full statement, click here. But then, at the end of the meeting, Wangari moved to a new level when she energised all present by leading them in a wonderful sing-a-long. Africa has lost one of her most emblematic and captivating figures. Dr. Jennifer Riria Group Chief Executive/Director, Kenya Women Finance TrustMy dear mother, mentor, sister and friend, you fought the hard fight. What a boss we have lost. This condolence is on my personal behalf and on behalf of the French people. Go well my dear. He went on to say he had "very close bonds of friendship" with Cheddi Jagan. On lookers, lined the more than four-mile route to watch the sombre workers, some carrying black flags. Barack Obama, President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 2009 It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing of Professor Wangari Maathai. A globally recognized champion for human rights and women's empowerment, Professor Maathai was a pioneer in articulating the links between human rights, poverty, environmental protection and securityfor which she was awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. Speaking directly to readers, he reiterates the basic idea that anyone with the ambition and ability to take power clearly possesses the exact qualities that will make them apt to mismanage that power. 100+ condolence messages for loss of a great leader or boss Rest in peace Dr Wangari Maathai. Fare thee well Heroine. Condolence messages for a friend. Wangaris fearless strength in adversity, her creative approach to building a peaceful, healthy planet and her hard work to inspire and empower women will live on. Madeleine Albright, who in 1997 became the first woman to serve as U.S. secretary of state, died of cancer on Wednesday. It is with a great emotion and deep sadness that I have learnt about the death, yesterday, of Mrs Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Laureate. Mike Griffith. Our deepest sympathies, friend. Queen Elizabeth's death: Reaction from world leaders | Reuters The loss of a boss like you is something that can never be recovered. What he believed he believed with heart and soul. 10. Margaret Otieno Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Clubs of KenyaThe governing council, members and staff of Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) in the spirit of conservation, pay tribute to a great lady in honour of her care and passion for our environment and concern for the future generations. I, like so many others, will miss her more than it is possible to describe and send my most heartfelt condolences to her children and to everyone who knew her, loved her and depended upon her. His life was characterized by an incalculable breath and depth and height of devotion and service to his country and to his countrymen and women. Condolence Message on The Passing on Of Former President Benjamin May your soul rest in peace and your legacy live on. ", United States President, Bill Clinton wrote: "President Jagan was a champion of the poor who devoted himself to alleviating poverty in his country and throughout the Caribbean.". Never forget, you have friends who love you. Senior Congress Leader and party's top strategist Ahmed Patel passed away on Wednesday due to multiple organs failure. Sad to hear about the loss of a great leader. 6. The Green Belt Movements Nairobi office is graciously receiving visitors from Kenya and around the World who have come to share their condolences. My country was a close friend of Professor Maathai. (PTI) His last tweet condoled the . So this is how libertydies: with thunderous applause. Padme Amidala, Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of The SithWhen the villainous Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) finally brings his plans to fruition in the Star Wars prequels, dissolving the Republic and forming the Empire, hes done such a good job of manipulating the masses with trumped-up threats that they cheer him on. No one and nothing can fill the void created by the loss of your dear brother. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. The director was a perfect man and a great human being. All of us loved him, and he will be cherished in our memories forever. We were sad to hear the news about your father's passing. Arun Jaitley's demise triggered a wave of shock and grief with leaders cutting across political spectrum . I cant imagine what everyone who worked under our boss must be feeling right now. rediff.com: Condolences on the death of Madhavrao Scindia Your father was one of the nicest people I know, and I know that he was a great director too. The trouble is, many of us don't know what to write or worry that we will hit the wrong note. His voice would have been heard on the side of reconciliation and national unity. These attributes became the sustaining factor of his lifes work during the long battles for an independent Guyana. Natasha Jagan Brancier (Cheddi Jagan's granddaughter). I count it a privilege to have know him, to have worked with him and to have been his friend. Wangari Maathai was a force of nature. And all the children, that followed for many years would understand, We all cherished his wisdom. Condolence Messages Pour In For Rahul Bajaj From Business, Political What a true leader we had in your son. This is one of her very important contributions. Sharing in your sorrow. To the Kenya Defense Forces, the Professor was an enduring source of inspiration as we teamed up with her and the GBM to tackle the eco challenge in not only greening our country but more importantly in solving conflicts emanating from environmental degradation and competition for the division of resources. He was an upright leader, for they will give you the strength to carry on. She lived her belief that all of us have a role to play in creating sustainable peace. Whatever they did to you, please forgive them. You sleep well, my boss and friend. Our thoughts are with you and your family. You brought the power of your presence, your compassion and your position to some of the most vital humanitarian issues of our time. Our love goes out to you. Ambassador Etinne de Poncins Ambassador of FranceAs Ambassador to Kenya, I want to convey to the Green Belt Movement, all my sincere and deepest condolences on the sad occasion of the death of Professor Wangari Maathai. Rest in peace! It was with great sadness that we learned today of the passing of this exceptional environmental activist.
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